Sunday, August 22, 2010

So its official one week from today I will be somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic ocean, sailing towards Spain. I have gotten three check-ups worth of shots, five different Visas, eleven different types of currency, supplies to last me a semester, clothes worthy of withstanding a trip around the world (and that cover me up), a new passport, and endless errands.  My to-do list is coming to an end just like my wonderful summer in Sedalia and I feel it, its time for a new adventure. With all the prep almost completed I have been able to take a breath and I feel the excitement really kicking in. The build up has been so much that I am just ready to get this show on the road.

I will be getting on the ship a day earlier than everyone else because I applied for the work study positions on board and ended up being excepted. I have been assigned to intern for the Lifelong Learner program and am really looking forward to it. I recently went to a Semester at Sea alumni lunch and met two lifelong learners who will be sailing on this voyage, one women was doing it for her 80th birthday. Thats pretty awesome. From what I know so far, out of 100 voyages taken there are around seventy lifelong learners the Fall 2010 trip, the most there has ever been. This is wonderful opportunity for me to connect with people of all ages on the trip. I will be working two hours a day while at sea and cant wait to find out more of what I will be doing. For any of you who are interested in SAS but are no longer students the Lifelong Learner program is something to look into. I will give more information once I have started my job and have a good grasp on all the details.

 Archbishop, Desmond Tutu will be sailing for the entire Fall 2010 voyage with me and my peers! Mr. Tutu worked along side Nelson Mandela and many other activist to put an end to apartheid in South Africa. He received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984 for speaking out against apartheid and in 2009 President Obama awarded him the highest U.S civilian honor, The Medal of Freedom.  If you have any interest I encourage you to learn more about him, he has written many books.  I hope that my internship with the Lifelong learners will allow me the chance to get to talk with him, what an honor that would be :)

This is the last time I will be blogging in the U.S.A for many months. I want to thank all of you for your love and support. Hope each of you are well. Will blog again soon, Until next time...

P.S Thank you Ellie for letting me barrow the camera for this trip and teaching me how to put picture on my blog. Also, thank you to my Mama for all the work you have put into this...your superwomen.


  1. Sambo- you're an amazing writer, I can't wait to read more of your posts!! Thank you for sharing your experiences with all of us, love you little sis!!!

  2. Honey, thank you so much for those kind words. It's so easy doing things for you. xoxo Momma J

  3. gosh darn it i love you :) I can not wait for you to take what you have learned and experienced and share it with the world, you are a remarkable being sammy beth schreiner. You are so loved, show the world what your made of, know one knows what is coming! Kisses best friend. xoxo

  4. Hi Sammy, I'm sorry I missed seeing you the other morning at Sammy's when you stopped by to say goodbye. What an incredible adventure you are on! Best wishes, I'll be an avid follower of your trip.

    Mim (Sawyer) McConnell (Karen's sister)

  5. Thank you ladies so much for your kind words. What would I do without all of you. I am so fortunate to have this support system and the family that we do.

  6. You must have arrived in Spain today! I hope your first sea voyage went well for you.
